On my way to office today I came across this sticker on the back of a school bus which read—“God Never fails”. And that got me thinking, what if it is true. Won’t it be pathetically dull and boring never to fail?
Imagine that you are always successful no matter how little you try. You don’t study, but still get top marks, you don’t work out but still have six pack abs, you don’t even try to fall in love, but the hottest chick would die to hold your hand and kiss you, you don’t apply for a job, but still Bill gates has called you a thousand times asking you to please..please..join his Company . Even Team Anna has agreed to the Lokpal bill you would draft, never mind the fact that you have turned down both Anna and the Game Changer. I can go on but the list of examples is endless. In short, you would achieve everything without a sweat and won’t it be fun!
Or will it? Would it be fun if you knew beforehand a game that you would win for sure? Would you ever feel that ‘corridor of uncertainty’ before proposing to someone if you already knew that he/she would accept? Would you ever wait with bated breath at an awards ceremony if you already know what the declaration would be? Quite simply, would you ever feel proud? I guess not.
I don’t doubt what was written on the sticker. God never fails and that is why he has stopped trying. There is no challenge left for him. That is why he is bored stiff and gone to sleep. In the mean time, here on earth, Godmen have taken over. Unlike God, they fail quite regularly and hence enjoying their job to the hilt at our expense.
A god that fails occasionally would probably be better for us.
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